2. I love to sleep on my stomach....I missed being able to sleep (in general) but sleep on my stomach while I was pregnant....sleeping on my stomach is so comfortable...
3. I wish I could play contact football....I love football, play flag football, but want to play contact...I kinda have a mean streak and would love to put on some pads and lay a hurtin' on that wide receiver coming across the middle!!

I used to love sleeping on my tummy till I was pregnant with my dottie girl. Shes 3 now but now Im used to sleeping on my side!
P.S. Do bunny hop over to read my 3 "Hey I didn't know that about you' facts and enter 4 great giveaways:http://energizerbunnysmommyreports.blogspot.com/
That's funny because I love sleeping on my stomach now too. I hated it before I was pregnant but since I couldn't do it for so long, now I love it!
(I'm also following you now through the MBC Follow Me Club. You can follow me back here
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