Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Been a long time...

Its been a very long time since I've posted on here, so why don't I update everyone on what's been going on....

I'm at a new school (a middle school) and I teach all boys all day....(so prayers are definitely appreciated). My school is in a very poor neighborhood and we have majority diversity here (63% Hispanic). Its a huge change from my old school which was near a country club and affluent individuals.

Caylan is almost 2!! I can't believe it, time really does fly....she's all over the place and a very active toddler. She's already "pee-pee potty" eight times and we are hoping to get her out of diapers by her 2nd birthday in February, but I'm not holding my breath....

Stacey got a new job, which he's excited about, but they have been working him hard. Glad to see he's happier in this new job and new position.

Well that's the general jist of things...I will post some holiday pictures soon...I hope everyone else out there is doing well...are you excited about the holidays??


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