Sunday, March 27, 2011


Well I have wonderful news.....I finally got a full time job as a personal trainer!! I'm so excited and very grateful for this opportunity. This new opportunity is truly a blessing for God and I'm so excited He has opened this door for me. Granted, I'm still a little nervous because I've been a teacher so long, but to make a 180 degree career change is a a challenge I'm looking forward to.
I'm helping out part-time whenever I can after school right now to learn the business and more about the company. I'm also planning on getting a second personal training certification (test this April so keep me in your prayers) to beef up my education.
This a very exciting time in my life. I can't wait to see what this new chapter holds. I know it will allow me more flexibility in my schedule and time with my family which is very important to me. I'm just going to finish out this school year on a strong note and set my mind on being the best personal trainer I can be!! :)


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