Well the White family had a very good weekend...it is so awesome everyday to see my little one grow up and to see my husband be an awesome father....yesterday we both got good workouts in, then were blessed with the opportunity for a "date day" and go enjoy a movie while my mom watched Caylan. It was great to get out as husband and wife and enjoy time together without Caylan. Don't get my wrong I love my little girl, but our marriage has to still be first in order for my husband and I to be good parents for her....we saw Public Enemies which was a good movie even more of a shock was the fact Stacey and I both agreed it was a good movie which is rare in the White House!!
Today we went church (well I made it to Sunday School class), Stacey however tried to calm fussy Caylan down during the entire class...church isn't working so well for Caylan, because it completely interrupts her nap time which makes her fussy and irritable. Add to that everyone in our church seems to love babies, especially Caylan, and they decide when she's fussy to get in her face and try to talk to her, or better yet give me advice on what she needs or how to get her to stop crying...so that definitely doesn't encourage nap time, increases her fussiness and even more so irritates me. Thanks random person for further irrating my child as well as offering advice. I really need help being Caylan's mom, I've only been doing it since the end of February when she was born!!
Hopefully in time, she will be able to handle Sunday School and church in the nursery, but right now we keep her with us until we are both comfortable leaving her with nursery workers....so over time our Sunday church routine will improve!! We did have a wonderful lunch and fellowship with our Sunday school teachers today at their home after church....it helped to uplift my spirits which is needed right now...
Well time to hang with Stacey since the little one is in bed......
Peace and Hair Grease...
3 hours ago
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